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Practice Packs correlate directly with the Hooked on Math App (available on Apple, Android and Amazon devices) to provide essential hands-on math practice. Bundle includes 15 workbooks, 30 math-themed storybooks, and celebration stickers.

Math Fundamentals Steps 1, 2, & 3:

The first pack in the Math Fundamentals level includes the Steps 1, 2, & 3 Workbook, which reinforces number sense, introduces the basics of addition to 10, and builds confidence with math facts. A sheet of star stickers allows your child to celebrate milestones within the workbook. The pack also includes The Lemonade Stand, a sticker-storybook that provides a hands-on way to experience addition. A second storybook, Ten Pups, offers a heartwarming way to visualize the idea of ?making ten.?

Math Fundamentals Steps 4 & 5:

Math Fundamentals Steps 4 & 5 Workbook demonstrates the basics of subtraction to 10, introduces skills such as counting back on a number line, and presents practice with subtraction facts. Mark milestones in your child?s workbook with a sheet of star stickers included with the pack, and enjoy the storybooks Chow the Magician, which integrates the core concepts of fact families, and the fun-to-read story The Alien Picnic, which displays counting back on a number line.

Math Fundamentals Steps 6 & 7:

As learners progress, their knowledge of math facts needs to be complemented with different strategies for using those facts with larger numbers. Math Fundamentals Steps 6 & 7 Workbook demonstrates different addition and subtraction strategies?including adding numbers in any order, doubles, and counting on or back to add or subtract?to give learners the tools to begin solving equations with double-digit numbers. The included sheet of star stickers can be used to note progress in the workbook, while this pack also includes A Day at the Beach sticker-storybook, which uses stickers to explore the part-part-whole strategy, and the delightful story The Carnival, which incorporates different strategies for solving addition problems.

Math Fundamentals Steps 8 & 9:

Math Fundamentals Steps 8 & 9 Workbook reaches new heights as learners explore up to 100 and beyond on the hundred chart, learn about place value for tens and ones, are introduced to place value blocks, and then practice skip counting. The introduction of these basic concepts sets the stage for working with larger numbers in the future. Your child?s achievements can be noted with the included star stickers. The learning is also presented in unique ways with the storybooks. Kazoo and the Seed is a delightful story that demonstrates counting with place value blocks, while 100 Fingers for 100 Day is a lively story that incorporates skip counting to celebrate the 100th day of school.

Math Fundamentals Steps 10 & 11:

Math Fundamentals Steps 10 & 11 Workbook caps off the Math Fundamentals level by diving further into the concept of place value, which sets the stage for solving simple two-digit addition and subtraction problems. As always, celebrate success with the included star stickers! Then have fun reading The Seesaw, a delightfully silly story that illustrates two- and three-digit number comparisons, and The Collector, a storybook that details double-digit addition and subtraction while encouraging readers to look and find.

Numbers & Counting Steps 1, 2, & 3:

The first pack in the Numbers and Counting level includes the Steps 1, 2, & 3 Workbook, which introduces young learners to numbers 1 through 10 and offers their first chance to count with a ten frame. Your child will also learn the concepts of more than and less than, and begin to understand how to order numbers in sequence. The pack also includes Recipe for a Snow Friend, a lovely story that represents numbers in different ways, as well as Soup for Ten, a sticker storybook that provides a hands-on experience for counting to ten.

Numbers & Counting Steps 4 & 5:

Numbers and Counting Steps 4 & 5 Workbook introduces beginning math skills such as adding to five and subtracting within five. Your child will learn how to recognize and write a plus sign, minus sign, and equal sign. The number line is presented as a visual tool that helps young learners identify how many in all (addition) and how many are left (subtraction). Mark milestones in your child?s workbook with the star stickers included with the pack. Enjoy Kazoo the Babysitter, a sticker storybook with hands-on addition practice, as well as Field Mice Day, a delightful story featuring subtraction.

Numbers & Counting Steps 6 & 7:

In Numbers and Counting Workbook Steps 6 & 7, young learners get their first chance to trace numbers 0 to 20. They?ll continue to work with number lines as they learn to count on (addition) and count back (subtraction). Ordering numbers from smallest to biggest is reviewed, and the ten frame tool is revisited as your child learns how to represent larger quantities up to 20. Lastly, learners are introduced to the ?friends of 10,? which demonstrate how many different ways there are to make 10. Use the included sheet of star stickers to note progress in the workbook. Enjoy the whimsical Building a Number Line storybook as well as Ant House, a sticker storybook that encourages your child to practice addition skills.

Numbers & Counting Steps 8 & 9:

Numbers and Counting Steps 8 & 9 Workbook continues to build your child?s skills in assessing numbers to determine which ones are bigger (more than) or smaller (less than). Making comparisons and understanding how numbers relate to each other is an important part of early math and helps builds number sense. In this workbook, young learners have many opportunities to strengthen their skills in adding to 10. Your child?s achievements can be noted with the included star stickers. These concepts are also presented in unique ways with two colorful storybooks. More, Please is a delightful story of twins who constantly compare which of them has more (or less). The sticker storybook Quite a Quilt includes hands-on activities allowing your child to practice adding with the ?friends of 10.?

Numbers & Counting Steps 10 & 11:

The Numbers and Counting level of Hooked on Math culminates with the Steps 10 & 11 Workbook, which reviews subtraction within 10 as well as mixed operations. Young learners practice using ten frames, number lines, solving word problems, and more. Your child will learn addition and subtraction fast facts to 10 to strengthen their math fluency and automaticity. As always, celebrate success with the included star stickers! Then enjoy reading Ten Treats, a sweet number line story. There?s also a sticker storybook, Hop on the Bus, to give your child a chance to add and subtract by counting passengers as they come and go from a crazy bus.

Elementary Math Steps 1 & 2:

Start your child?s journey in Elementary Math with the first pack, which includes Steps 1 & 2 Workbook. This playful workbook lays the groundwork for future mathematical learning by introducing concepts such as odd and even numbers, repeated addition, and arrays. It also reviews and reinforces strategies for adding two or more numbers. Celebrate milestones in the workbook with the included stickers. Also enjoy two unique math storybooks: Little Sister, which features examples of a common addition strategy, while The Big Surprise is an amusing storybook that highlights arrays.

Elementary Math Steps 3 & 4:

Continue learning with Elementary Math Steps 3 & 4 Workbook, and dive deeper into double-digit addition, both with and without regrouping. Mark milestones in the workbook with the sheet of star stickers included with the pack. There are also two math storybooks to enjoy! Take off with Chow?s Zippy Day, a story that represents two- and three-digit numbers in action using place value blocks. Then get ready for A Visit with Madam Addison, a hilarious rhyming book that includes examples of two-digit regrouping.

Elementary Math Steps 5 & 6:

Build on your learner?s success with the third pack in Elementary Math that includes the workbook for Steps 5 & 6. Instead of addition, this pack teaches double-digit subtraction, both with and without regrouping. (This concept is sometimes referred to as ?borrowing.?) Get ready to use the included sheet of star stickers to celebrate success as your child masters these operations. Two unique storybooks continue the math adventure. First, The Rainforest?a trip through the Amazon that features skip counting backward by 10. Then enjoy reading The Grand Meerkat Hotel, a heartwarming story that illustrates two-digit subtraction with regrouping.

Elementary Math Steps 7 & 8:

Your learner?s math skills are really taking off! In your next pack, you?ll receive the workbook for Elementary Math Steps 7 & 8. That means your child will be working with place value up to 1,000, identifying counting patterns, and comparing numbers up to four digits. You?re sure to be proud of their work as you celebrate their learning with the included star stickers. You and your learner will also enjoy a new way of looking at these math concepts with two original storybooks. In The Flying Disc,aliens take a trip through the galaxy to find the fastest place to toss their toy, comparing speeds along the way. In the light-hearted story The Election, compare voting tallies using place value to see which silly pal runs away with the win!

Elementary Math Steps 9 & 10:

Taking little steps adds up to reaching big goals in Elementary Math, as your child completes this level with the workbook for Step 9. Your learner will be adding and subtracting?with regrouping?for numbers within 1,000. Recognize and celebrate their hard work with the included sheet of star stickers. Or explore the math concepts with two exclusive storybooks. In TheFun Run, calculate on the go to see how many paces Miss Gallop needs to complete a 1,000 step race?and what kind of adorable complication she encounters. Then see how close the pals get to reaching a fundraising goal in Kazoo and the Fair and see what one determined pal does to put them over the top!

Hooked & Company, Inc. DBA Hooked on Phonics © Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
4 Mountainview Ter., Danbury, CT 06810

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